
serendipitous reflections

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Working on the routine

We had a good first week going to the gym. We were very happy with our progress, and the fact that we could make it to the gym without huge crowds or anything. I know the biggest challenge to getting to the gym consistently is going to be making it a routine. This weekend was a little off I had to run sound for Sealed for Freshness at Workshop Theatre on Friday, so that blew my "go to the gym on Friday" plan. Saturday Jeni had a baby shower and then of course we went to the roller derby so that blew that day. Today has been a slow start because of all the fun we had yesterday, but we'll be heading to the gym this afternoon. Our plan is to get in on the weekends, and try for a day or two during the week. We'll get there ...


Friday, January 28, 2011

Going to the gym

After our first week going to the community center near our house I can honestly say I am so happy we joined. The people are so nice and I've felt much better. A few late meals have challenged my progress a little but that's an easy fix. We'll be back at it in the morning.


Thursday, January 27, 2011


Memo to self: Remember to go to www.homeeverything.com/


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 3 at gym

Jeni and I made it back to the gym today. So far that's Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday. I'm very happy about that. I did 1.65 miles on the treadmill in 22 minutes, then worked arms until they started to feel dead and I realized that I needed to be able to work tomorrow. Jeni did 3/4 mile in the pool. Afterward, we walked the lap track for another 3/4 mile. I'm patting us on the back right now...


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Gym, Day Two

Jeni and I made it back the the gym today. She did 50 minutes in the pool. I did 1.59 miles in the treadmill in 22 minutes then did legs. Still able to walk -- barely.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

First day at the gym

Today was our first day going to the community center. While Jeni was doing an hour in the pool I did some cardio and weights -- 1.5 miles and upper body today. We'll be back at it tomorrow, then sound at a matinee, and wrapping up with trivia.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Going to the gym

So Jeni and I joined a gym on Sunday. We signed up for a year membership. It's less than three miles from the house, so we really have few excuses. I won't say no excuse, because we didn't even get home last night until about 10:30, so there's always that. But our goal is three times a week. That's Friday, Saturday and Sunday and we're good. Throw in a Tuesday or a Wednesday and that's bonus. We'll go tonight or tomorrow to get our cards and line up our orientation sessions. I'm very excited about this.


Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Welcome 2011

I have a hard time accepting that it is really 2011. It seems so sci-fi to me, like we should be driving flying cars by now. I'll be honest that I really won't miss 2010. It started out OK, but went down hill pretty quickly. It was a challenging year, but I'm not going to dwell on it. Instead I'll focus on the positive of 2011 -- the fact that we rang in the new year with an amazing group of people (even if we were missing a few), and it has started off positively. I plan on keeping this momentum going. No resolutions -- just resolve.
