
serendipitous reflections

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Cool art

I know I've posted the link to this before, but I came across David Lanham's work originally at the Icon Factory. He is one of their talented designers who make replacement icons for your computer (a fun way to jazz up and personalize your desktop). I really enjoy poking around his personal website. He has his icon sets posted, as well as a bunch of great wallpapers (I really like Learn to Protect Yourself, the Breast Cancer Awareness desktop, Kitty Bath, and Phosphoric Acid -- although it's hard to pick any one particular favorite...) and a great sketchbook, too. It's a nice distraction.

[OK, while I'm hyping artists I like, I'd be negligent not to mention Charles Vess, one of my altime favorite comic book artists ... such a crisp art style and fantastic imagery. (More cool art on his blog.) Jeni also really likes the Etsy website. You could spend hours there, easily.]



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