
serendipitous reflections

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Busy few weeks

The past week and a half has been busy. We had a little gathering for my birthday last Saturday and a lot of people from work came and Nikki and Todd came over from Atlanta in the date car. We missed having Lisa and Brian there, but we understand since Lisa's dad was being honored at the Virginia Tech football game -- can't really miss that. Having people in the house, and specifically having some old friends stay over, really made the house start to feel like a home. (It also helps motivate us to handle a few of those boxes...) The weather has been cooling down in the evening and we've been sleeping with the windows open. I really missed that when we were in the first-floor apartment. We still have plenty of projects to do around the house, but the new grill is assembled and the upstairs bathroom is painted, so that's a start. We'll post pictures of the bathroom and deck with grill soon...


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